This app reads YubiKey OTPs or static passwords over NFC from a YubiKey NEO, copying the OTP/password to the clipboard for use with other apps or websites.
Once installed the app does not need to be started. Just swiping the YubiKey NEO against the phones NFC reader will cause it to run, displaying a message to indicate that the OTP has been copied, all without leaving the currently running app.
Note that the default NDEF programming needs to be used. If you've reprogrammed the NDEF tag of your YubiKey NEO, you will need to change it back to the URL:
This can be done using the personalization tool:
When using a YubiKey NEO with a static password in scan code mode you will need to configure which keyboard layout to use in the YubiClip Settings. Currently only the US layout is supported. If you would like to see additional layout support, please consider contributing code via a pull request to our source code repositiory:
这个程序读取从YubiKey NEO超过NFC YubiKey的OTP或静态密码,在OTP /密码复制到剪贴板,以便与其他应用程序或网站中使用。
一旦安装了该应用程序不需要启动。刚刷的YubiKey NEO针对手机的NFC读写器将导致其运行,并显示一条消息,指示检察官办公室已被复制,完全不需要离开当前正在运行的应用程序。
注意,默认NDEF编程需要被使用。如果你已经重新设置您的YubiKey NEO的NDEF标签,您需要更改回的网址:这可以通过使用个性化工具来完成
当使用YubiKey NEO在扫描码模式下的静态密码,您将需要配置的YubiClip设置要使用的键盘布局。目前只支持美国的布局。如果你想看到更多的布局支持,请考虑通过一个上拉要求我们的源代码repositiory贡献代码: